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Are you posting content with text captions? to achieve exposure of your brand identity on social media platforms in spite of vigorous competition, that’s exactly what you have to do! When the image is not designed to best describe the text content & stay attractive to the target audience it can turn to awful chaos with negative results like confusing images or ugly then instead of increasing brand awareness you gain negative results.

your social media account represents your account and showcases your service/product when you use the correct type of design you attract your customers in spite of high competition to attract customers' attention & stand out from the crowd.

Social media graphics are not just adding an image to your post's content it affects engagement, Including an image with your post can increase the number of shares, retweets, or post likes almost 3 times. But most business owners struggle to choose the right picture to increase engagement & keep their account professional.

The number of people using social media is over 4.48 billion worldwide. The average time spent by users per day on social media amounts to 2 hours and 24 minutes. Your customer is definitely found among this huge population but you’re struggling to gain their attention ?!

Research has shown that the average human attention span is not more than 7 to 8 seconds, so when a brand depends on high-quality social media graphic designs they attract the audience to pause & scroll to your post, therefore, maximizing engagement. When you choose to invest in graphic design you need a professional to deliver high-quality designs relevant to the marketing objective behind it & up to your brand standards and identity.

If you want a design that acts as a magnet to your leads, here comes Byttara's digital social media graphic design service to make it happen for you, with high standards we’re committed to delivering:

Quality service delivery standards

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Compatibility with marketing objective, audience, and brand personality

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Compatibility with the characteristics and type of platform to be posted on

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engagement above 2% (target audience)

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Delivery within a period not exceeding 3 working days

you shouldn’t worry anymore with experts in your scope of veterinary medicine branches, we’re fully aware of what your customer wants to see and get the best quality to boost your engagement & increase your sales.

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